Mobius Live Presents...
November 16th at 7pm
Vivid Oblivion 288 Norfolk Street, Cambridge MA

Sideways Door 3
a weekend of ecstasies & escape routes
an annual-ish festival celebrating multi-disciplinary performance, process, and practice

Accumulation + Migration
Saturday, September 14, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Eustis Estate, 1424 Canton Ave, Milton, Mass.
Join us for an afternoon of art and performance at the Eustis Estate in Milton, where the theme of Accumulation + Migration will be brought to life through visual explorations.
Mobius will present a series of unique performances that delve into this compelling theme, inviting the audience to reflect on the profound impacts of climate change on both humanity and the natural world. Performers will engage in building a sculpture while simultaneously creating dynamic traveling movements, seamlessly blending art and action to evoke a powerful narrative.
The event will feature two musical sets bookending the performances with evocative soundscapes that complement the visual and movement pieces, enhancing the sensory journey through the Eustis Estate and its landscape.
Expect vibrant interpretations of the estate through movement pieces and mixed media works. This event will offer fresh perspectives on the historic grounds.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to witness the innovative spirit of the Mobius Artist Group against the stunning backdrop of the Eustis Estate.
Ticket $15; Student $10.
Please call 617-994-6600 for more information.
Ticket will not admit you the Eustis Estate Museum. Tickets to the museum can be purchased here.
Rain Date: Sunday, September 15, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Artists: Jimena Bermejo, Serena Garbriels, Forbes Graham, Jeff Huckleberry, Sandy Huckleberry, Sara June, Kledia Spiro, Margaret Bellafiore
Music: Forbes Graham, Bonnie Jones, Chris Brokaw and Greg Kelly
Accessibility Considerations: This event will take place outdoors over uneven grounds. Bathrooms are available in the Eustis Estate visitor center.
Photo Credit: Jeff Huckleberry

Mobius Artist Group Presents: Accumulation + Migration
Mobius will present a series of unique performances that delve into this compelling theme, inviting the audience to reflect on the profound impacts of climate change on both humanity and the natural world. Performers will engage in building a sculpture while simultaneously creating dynamic traveling movements, seamlessly blending art and action to evoke a powerful narrative.
Dance NOW/Boston
Photo: Peter Raper
Hey everyone,
Remember those "Stories of a Mexican Immigrant" I shared on Instagram a few years back? If you haven't seen them, you can find them HERE. Each post explored a different aspect of my life as a Mexican living in the US, sharing experiences and answering common questions about Mexico or being Mexican.
Those stories were the seed for my new dance solo – "Jimena"! It's a performance that explores identity and memories.
This year's "Jimena" holds a very special addition: I'll be sharing the stage with the one and only – my mom, Margie Bermejo! This year'sperformance also features works by: The Bang Group, Marcus Schulkind (my longtime dance mentor!), Lynn Modell, and Tony Williams.
Get ready for the always fabulous DANCE NOW Boston! The performance is on May 11th & 12th, 2024 – don't miss it! Tickets are on sale now, so grab yours here:

Premiering a new video titled "Tu"
Showing a new piece at as part of Flow Symposium . Flow 2022
This online public performance symposium brings together the international community of artists working in public performance art practices. The practice-based workshops, performative lectures and artist presentations are with specialists working in the field.
Saturday June 18 @12noon - 2pm CT | 7pm - 9pm ECT
Symposium Workshop Attendees
Martine Viale & Frans van Lent, Hilary Gilligan, Jimena Bermejo, Soufïa Bensaïd, Daniela Ehemann & Isa Fontbona
Link to Youtube Notification

¡Bordes! Borders! ¡Bordes!
¡Bordes! Borders! ¡Bordes!
on June 17, June 18, 2022, 8pm
at The Dance Complex @ Canal in Kendall Square’s Canal District.
To ensure accessibility, tickets are free, with donations accepted
Dive into the imaginal, poetic, and dreamlike psychological landscapes of 3 Boston
artists and 4 San Juan Puerto Rico artists spanning borders in a performance that
culminates a year of virtually dreaming together.
Arte Latino Now 2022 ARTE LATINO NOW 2022 Virtual Exhibition, Performance and Readings
ARTE LATINO NOW seeks to highlight the exciting cultural and artistic contributions of Latinos in the United States
XFest Online 2022
Performing live from ArtAssembled with Callie Chapman and Violet Nox
Watch here! https://youtu.be/odxmfgCHnE8

The Poetics of Aging
Image Description: Large blue text over a yellow background reads “Poetics of Aging.” Blue wavy drawn lines on the bottom half, below the text. The freeskewl logo of an open circle with arrows on each end is in blue at the top left corner with freeskewl's web address. Design by Lindsey Jennings.
Poetics of Aging: a weekend of performance and conversation
July 10th & 11th, 2021 on Zoom
Poetics of Aging was a weekend of performance and conversation initiated by Jimena Bermejo. These panel discussions and performances featured dance artists whose current research situates itself in relation to the topic of aging.
PANEL on Saturday, July 10th at 6pm EDT
moderated by Rosemary Candelario
with speakers Eiko Otake, Bebe Miller, Chris Aiken, and Joe Bowie
PERFORMANCE A on Saturday, July 10th at 8pm EDT
Ana Baer Carrilo
Daniel Lepkoff
Mary Fitzgerald and Eileen Standley
David Dorfman
Anya Cloud and Rebecca Salzer with Ishmael Houston-Jones and Sara Shelton Mann
Anna Brown Massey
Sarah Skaggs and Cori Kresge
PERFORMANCE B on Sunday, July 11th at 4pm EDT
The Architects (Kathy Couch, Katherine Ferrier, Lisa Gonzales, Jennifer Kayle, Pamela Vail)
Molly Shanahan/Jeff Hancock
Julie Brodie, Balinda Craig-Quijada, & Kora Radella in Trio A
Lisa Nelson, Jennifer Nugent and Jen Polins
Kathryn Posin
Rowena Richie
Daniel Burkholder
Sara Hook
PERFORMANCE C on Sunday, July 11th at 7pm EDT
Lisa Race and Shawn Hove
Celeste Miller
Nicole Pierce
Anabella Lenzu
Mary Beth Brooker
Gabrielle Revlock
Janis Brenner
Jennifer Mabus
Cost of each Poetics of Aging event is $4-60.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you can, consider sponsoring payment for someone in need by simply doubling your payment. Income collected by 11:59pm EDT on the night of the event will go directly to artists and organizer. Zoom link and password above; all in the waiting room will be admitted.
Venmo: @freeskewl
PayPal: CLICK HERE to pay on PayPal or send to freeskewlteam@gmail.com
I will be showing a new piece titled #1 Eyes.
#1Eyes the first of a series of movement pieces created for Zoom, invites the audience to be part of the performance by following a series of prompts, creating a shared and physical “Zoom” experience. Each video in the series brings attention to one of our primary senses.
Friday, April 16th at 7:00pm EDT / 4:00pm PDT
featuring works by Ronya-Lee Anderson, Jimena Bermejo, Ilona Bito, Mira Göksel, Octavia Rose Hingle, Mia Martelli
Suggested ticket price for FERN is $4-50. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you can, consider sponsoring a ticket for someone in need by simply doubling your payment. Income collected by 11:59pm EDT on the night of the performance will be split between artists.
Venmo: @freeskewl
PayPal: Send to freeskewlteam@gmail.com
ZOOM (just join!):
Zoom link: zoom.us/j/3093774924
Zoom password: 640262
Closed captioning will be available through Rev Live Captioning
Learn more on www.freeskewl.com
Graphic design by Lindsey Jennings.
Poster Image Description: 3 tall ferns are drawn in green, behind is a grey scale background. The freeskewl logo is in dark green, circling large white text that reads "FERN Friday, April 16 7:00PM EST." Below more white words say: "With works by: Ronya-Lee Anderson, Jimena Bermejo, Ilona Bito, Mira Göksel, Octavia Rose Hingle, Mia Martelli" Our web address--www.freeskewl.com--is in green, centered at the bottom.
Music and Movement Virtual Conference
“(Em)brace (or what my cell phone has a tendency to do to me” will be featured on Saturday as part of this conference.
This piece is a performance piece written by the American composer Anthony Green (now based in the Netherlands) for Mexican performance artist/dancer Jimena Bermejo (now based in the US) with accompaniment/co-movement by US musician Chris Brokaw. It debuted in 2017 at Judson Hall in New York City.
The Music and Movement Conference seeks to bring scholars, musicians, composers, and performing artists together in conversation regarding the dynamic relationship between movement and music. Each panel will feature both paper presentations and performances, underscoring the ways in which the various subdisciplines of music and the performing arts can inform and reinforce one another.
The full conference schedule and program can be found here.
Registration for the Music and Movement Conference is free and open to the public! To register, simply follow the links below for each day you would like to attend. (The same link will work for all panels that take place on the given day.)
Registration Link for Friday, January 22, 2021
Registration Link for Saturday, January 23, 2021
Registration Link for Sunday, January 24, 2021
Please contact pittmusicconference@gmail.com if you have questions or if you would like more information.


Art & The Expanded Digital Media Conversations
In the age of COVID-19, art is happening simultaneously everywhere, at all times, and nowhere. Our relationships to physical space, objects, and now virtual audiences are reconfigured and mediated by expansions and distortions in the digital realm: intimate glimpses into people’s homes and studios; new experimental possibilities and platforms; and the alternating affective charge and utter depletion of one too many Zoom meetings. Join Eben Haines (artist and founder/curator of Shelter in Place Gallery), Rashin Fahandej (transdisciplinary artist and assistant professor of emerging and interactive media, Emerson College, Boston) and Jimena Bermejo (performance artist, Director of Dance at College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, and Mobius, Inc. groupmember) in conversation with curator Leonie Bradbury as they discuss (and demonstrate live!) the ways they are expanding artistic practice on digital media platforms.
This event is part of a series of summer talks co-curated and co-hosted by the AREA CODE ART FAIR in partnership with Northeastern University's Center for the Arts in the Northeastern University College of Arts, Media and Design. Programs are FREE but require advanced registration at this link: https://camd.northeastern.edu/event/art-in-and-the-digital-space/
Image: Rashin Fahandej, “A Father’s Lullaby”, immersive installation, The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston, Boston (2019). Photo by Aram Bogosian.

Tabled is a piece about repetition, endurance, and focus. Responding to the realities of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bermejo navigates, and re-navigates a finite object, forcing her body/medium to find new pathways.
While performing this piece the table takes over and becomes an extension of and an attack on the artist's body. She will repeat this task for as long as she can bare, and after rest, begin again.
Bermejo invites viewers to participate in the performance by communicating with her through the chat function, which she has programmed, text-to-speak.

Papel Piel
Papel Piel performed by Jimena Bermejo and Chris Brokaw as part of Teatro Dallas’ international performance festival dedicated to dance and music. Photo credit: Malcolm Black Higgins.

Moment's Notice
Moment's Notice, a multidisciplinary performance salon of improvisation.*Susan Thompson (theater), *Shamou (soundscapes), *Sarah Hickler and Cass Tunick (action theater), *Jimena Bermejo and Olivier Besson (dance/partnering), *Fray Cordero (movement)
This curated performance series devotes itself to the art of improvisation. Artists whose collaborations and solo works celebrate live-time creation find a home here.
[ ] @11 Jane St. Art Gallery
[ ]
with Jimena Bermejo, Chris Brokaw, Sara June, Max Lord
Saturday August 24, 2019 :: 7-8pm
$20 suggested donation at the door, seating is limited so please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to show.
11 Jane St. Art Center
11 Jane Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
This is a roughly 60-minute structured improvisation with plastic objects. The piece will morph between solos, duets, quad and trio combinations of the 4 artists that include movement, sound, and performance actions. The work will be cumulative and acquire performance remnants of past actions that will serve as a sculptural backdrop as the piece progresses.

Moment's Notice
- Moment’s Notice / an Improvisational Salon.
* Cass Tunick and Sarah Hickler/ action theater
* Nate Tucker/ sound, music
* Fotini Christophillis/ live painting
* Jimena Bermejo, Jenna Pollack and Olivier Besson/ movement, dance
This curated performance series devotes itself to the art of improvisation. Artists whose collaborations and solo works celebrate live-time creation find a home here.
*The salon highlights improvisations from the realms of movement/dance, theater, sound/music, poetry and visual art.
Four or five short works get presented in an informal setting, where we celebrate the experimental territory and ephemeral nature of this art form.
Our goal is to provoke a community conversation around the wild possibility inherent in these forms, inviting opportunities for both risk and freedom in performers and audiences alike.
** Moment's Notice is affiliated with The Boston Conservatory at Berklee and locates once a month in BoCo's studios. Olivier and Cass are curating the series. You can contact them for more information, including potential participation.

Mothers Walk
As part of Transactions II (http://www.mobius.org/aevents/2018/9/22/transactions-ii-performance-art-on-the-greenway-boston-day-2), we will be leading a thoughtful, intentional pacing of the Mother’s Walk in the Rose Kennedy Greenway starting at noon, with a ritual spreading of rose petals. Mothers dressed in white will walk together silently performing a sequence of gestures, paying tribute to a long international history of mothers who have participated in public demonstrations of grief or resistance.

Jimena Bermejo and Chris Brokaw at MAGMA
Jimena Bermejo and Chris Brokaw began collaborating in 2017 after many years of mutual admiration. Their works combine the best elements of their shared interests in punk, poetics and the beauty of blood. The pieces they will bring to MAGMA, " Slide," "I'm The Only One" and a new work in progress, "Our Fathers (who aren’t in heaven)" explore different ways to mix, play, and exchange their instruments: guitar and body.
Their work has been shown at Judson Church in New York City, Cathedral Arts Festival in Belfast, Green Street Studios in Cambridge and The Distillery Gallery in South Boston.
Jimena Bermejo sees her body as a tool to create a dynamic and intimate relationship with an audience. She elicits a combination of physical and emotional engagement in pieces woven from memories, music, and personal relationships. She holds an MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design's Studio for Interrelated Media and a BFA in Dance from The Boston Conservatory. Most recently, she has shown her work at The Cathedral Arts Festival in Belfast, U. K, The Judson Church in NYC, Distillery Gallery in South Boston, Le Lieu in Quebec, 808 Gallery in Boston, Mobius Gallery, Green Street Studios and The Dance Complex in Cambridge. She has also shown at the Art Beat and SomDance Festivals in Somerville. Jimena is currently a member of Mobius Artists Group and Caitlin Corbett Dance and has performed with many other local choreographers.
She holds an MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design's Studio for Interrelated Media and a BFA in Dance from The Boston Conservatory and currently, she is Director of the Dance Program at The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester and is currently faculty at Berklee College of Music, and The Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
Chris Brokaw is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, drummer and film composer based in Boston. Perhaps best known for his pioneering work with the bands CODEINE and COME, since 2002 Chris has released over a dozen solo albums of instrumental and vocal musics, composed music for film and dance, and worked as an accompanist to THURSTON MOORE, STEVE WYNN, EVAN DANDO, CHRISTINA ROSENVINGE, RHYS CHATHAM, JOHNNY DEPP and GG ALLIN. He currently plays in THE NEW YEAR, THE MARTHA'S VINEYARD FERRIES, THE EMPTY HOUSE COOPERATIVE, and THE LEMONHEADS, and in duos with GEOFF FARINA and LORI GOLDSTON. Chris performed with 200 guitarists under the tutelage pf Rhys Chatham at Lincoln Center; one of 77 drummers in the Boredoms' epic 77BOADRUM in Brooklyn; and with Dirtmusic at the Festival In The Desert in Essakane, Mali.
Chris' 2018 releases include CHARNEL GROUND, a collaboration with James McNew and Kid Millions (on 12XU, April 2018) and the forthcoming solo album END OF THE NIGHT (on VDSQ, autumn 2018). Other upcoming performances include the Hopscotch Festival (Raleigh, NC) and the National Gallery (Washington, DC) in September and the Invisible Festival (Brest, France) in November.

Bbeyond in conjuction with Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival present TRANSACTIONS: Boston artists exchange
TRANSACTIONS is an exchange between two prominent experimental artists’ groups, Mobius Artists Group in Boston and Bbeyond in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
This exchange, which emphasizes Boston and Belfast’s relationship as sister cities, provides opportunities for artists working at the helm of experimental practice in live performance to learn from each other, share audiences, work across national and cultural contexts while building connections through the creation of new works.
This May, seven Mobius artists: Marilyn Arsem, Jimena Bermejo, Daniel DeLuca, Milan Kohout, Mari Novotny-Jones, Sandrine Schaefer and Anna Wexler, will perform new works in Belfast specifically created for presentation in outdoor public space, as part of the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival.
In September, five artists from Belfast, Northern Ireland’s Bbeyond will be travelling to Boston in order to complete the exchange. Transaction II will take place in downtown Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway on September 22 & 23, featuring performances by the artists from Bbeyond and by Mobius artists.
Bbeyond is supported by The National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. In Boston this project is made possible by a Live Arts Boston grant from the Boston Foundation, and by a grant from Culture Ireland. Mobius is also funded by The Oedipus Foundation, the Tanne Foundation, and generous private support.
PA's Lounge
The Sound of Your Scene @PA's Lounge
WEMF Presents: The Sound of Your Scene
Jimena Bermejo-Black
Chris Brokaw
Zayde Buti
Tracy Chevrolet
Heather Kapplow
Milo Jones
Milan Kohout
moebius mayhem
Monday, March 19 at 8 PM - 11:45 PM
PA's Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA
8 pm // 21+ // $5 at the door
Mobius@ Green Street
Mobius is excited to announce that we will be presenting an evening-length program of new composer/choreographer collaborative works at Green Street Studios in Cambridge, MA featuring local and New York based artists as well as Mobius Artists past and present on Saturday June 24th, 2017 at 8pm. The sister concert was presented at Judson Memorial Church on Monday June 5th, 2017.
Sara June/Max Lord
Nathan Andary/Jane Wang
Yuka Takahashi/...
Jimena Bermejo/Anthony R. Green
Liz Roncka/Matthew Azevedo
Jen Hix/Luis Mojica
Matilda Sakamoto/David Louis Zuckerman
Julieta Valero/Sila Shaman
Leigh Atwell (dancer)
Chris Brokaw (guitar)
Melanie Hedlund (performer)
Carolyn Lewenberg (sculptor)
Edgar Rodriguez (dancer)
Lynda Senisi (dancer)
Vanessa Vargas (dancer)
For more information, visit http://www.mobius.org/aevents/2017/6/24/mobius-green-street-studios
Dance Now Boston/NYC Friday, June 16 and Sunday, June 18, 2017
Dance Now Boston/NYC, David Parker’s vision, now in its 4th season, to foster a choreographic bridge between Boston and New York, returns to The Dance Complex, June 16 and June 18, 2017 for a showcase of performance and celebration.
Friday, June 16, will feature Dance Now commissions by four Boston choreographers: Jimena Bermejo, Carey McKinley, McKersin Previlus, and Subject: Matter with Ian Berg.
Sunday, June 18, will offer works by New York's LMnO3 (Deborah Lohse, Cori Marquis, and Donnell Oakley). Saturday night's Snap•Crackle•BANG! is a FREE celebration presented by The Bang Group, featuring commissioned artists and honoring PFLAG trustee and social activist Stanley N. Griffith.
Friday, our performance starts at 8pm.
Sunday, our performance starts at 7pm.
For Dance Now Boston/NYC Friday and Sunday performances information & tickets, visit http://dancenowbostonnyc.bpt.me/
For Snap•Crackle•BANG! celebration information & registration, visit www.thebanggroup.com.