TU began as an attempt to go back to my "dancer self" and create a choreographed piece but then it turned into something different. I evoke memories of my life in Mexico, family, and soap operas. The format is related to how many people get a view into people's most intimate moments through their phones or Ipads via TikTok and other platforms like that.

This was my first video project at Grad school. I play with the many icons in my life. Full disclosure: I used to be obsessed with Wonder Woman as a child and I would dress as her any chance I had.

This is an improvisation to Flashdance a movie that influenced me greatly as a young girl!

In 2008 I presented a durational performance in where I chopped onions for one hour. My experience during it influenced “Tears.” The last section of Tears shows me listening to the recorded voice of my father who passed away in 2005. It is the first time I listen to it since his passing.